Akil Kattai / Eagle Wood / Agar Wood
Podhigai Herbs and Organic
Akil Kattai / Eagle Wood / Agar Wood

Akil Kattai / Eagle Wood / Agar Wood

Weight: 100g
Product Code: Aki/SB/PH/100
Packing : Standard Pouch Packing

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Product Details

Agar Wood:  The Secret Ingredient You Need in Your Life!

Botanical Name : Aquilaria Agallocha

English Name: Eagle Wood, Agar Wood, Aloe Wood

Tamil Name     : அகில் கட்டை / Akil kattai

Hindi Name     : अगर / Agar

Malayalam Name : അകിൽ / Akil

Telugu Name : ఆగారు / Agaru

About Akil Kadai (Eagle Wood/ Agar Wood/ Aloe Wood ):-

Agarwood is found at an altitude of 1500 m above sea level. The mature heartwood of the tree is aromatic. The aroma is the result of fungal pathogenesis. When the tree's wood is infected by fungi at wounds, it develops patches filled with resin and becomes aromatic. These resin-filled patches are scattered. It takes several years to form resin inside the wood. Agarwood is the chief ingredient of Agarbatti or incense sticks. In Ayurveda, Agarwood is used as perfume, stimulant, cholagogue, and deobstruent. Clear or open the body's natural fluid ducts and secretions.

Internal Benefits of Akil Kadai (Eagle Wood/ Agar Wood/ Aloe Wood ):-

  • Agarwood powder is used to treat excessive thirst and fever.
  • Vomiting
  • Cough
  • Headaches
  • Low appetite
  • Indigestion and diarrhea 

External Benefits of Akil Kattai (Eagle Wood/ Agar Wood/ Aloe Wood ):-

  • They are externally used for Skin diseases. 

How to Consume  Akil Kattai (Eagle Wood/ Agar Wood/ Aloe Wood ) Internally:-

Cough: Taking 1-3 grams of Agar heartwood powder with dry ginger powder and honey is helpful.

Vomiting/Chardi: Take 1-3 grams of Agarwood powder.

Anorexia, low appetite: Take 1-3 grams of Agarwood powder with honey.

Puerperal disorder: Prepare a tea of Agarwood and give it in a dosage of 10-20 ml.

How to Apply Akil kattai (Eagle Wood/ Agar Wood/ Aloe Wood) Externally:-

Diseases of skin Prepare a paste of the heartwood and apply it to affected body parts.

Procurement & Agriculture Method:

We have 90 wild and organic herbs. The other 10 herbs are grown organically, dried, and ground without chemicals or preservatives.

Our website's consumption details and benefits come from ancient Tamil books and Siddha records. Our Siddha Doctors Team has adjusted them. Please consult your doctor before using.

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