Aavaram Pisin / Tanner Tree Gum

Product Description:
Botanical Name: Cassia Auriculate
English Name: Tanner 's CassiaTree Gum
Tamil Name : ஆவாரம் பிசின் / Aavaram Pisin
Hindi Name : तरवड़ फूल / Tarwar Phool
Malayalam Name : അവരം / Avaram
Telugu Name : తంగేడు / Tagedu
About Aavaram Pisin ( Tanner's Cassia ):-
Tanner's Cassia can grow up to 1.5 m tall. It has a smooth, reddish brown bark. It has many ascending limbs and 8-10 cm long, pinnately divided leaves. Each leaflet is 2-3 cm long and has 8-12 pairs. Racemes of bright yellow flowers at the ends of branches. Flowers are about 4-5 cm in diameter. The three upper stamens have been reduced to staminodes. Fruit is brown, flat pods that are 7-12 cm in length.
Internal Benefits of Aavaram Pisin ( Tanner's Cassia ):-
- It helps regulate the menstrual cycle for women who experience pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation.
- The cooling properties of Tanners Cassia help to keep the body temperature.
- It can balance the sugar levels in our system.
External Benefits of Aavaram poo ( Tanner's Cassia ):-
It treats skin-related problems like rashes, sunburns, acne, etc. It also helps to keep the skin glowing.