Karunjeeragam / Black Caraway Dried

Weight: 100gm
Product Code: Kar/Spi/PH/100
Packing : Standard Pouch Packing

Quick Review:

Karunjeeragam, also known as Black Caraway, has many health benefits. It can help with weight loss and managing type 2 diabetes. Consuming two grams of black seeds daily may reduce fasting glucose levels, insulin resistance, and improve beta-cell function. It also helps reduce seizures in children who have not responded well to traditional treatments due to its anti-convulsive properties. Black Caraway Extract protects the heart, reducing damage from heart attacks and improving overall heart health. The seeds are useful for treating sinus problems and can be used as home remedies for joint pain, arthritis, knee pains, and neck pain. Karunjeeragam is also good for addressing sexual weakness and treating various gynecological conditions such as menstrual problems, Leucorrhoea (white discharge), back pain, and stomach discomfort.

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Karunjeeragam / Black Caraway Dried
Product Details

Black Gold: The Miraculous Effects of Dried Black Caraway Seeds:

Botanical Name :  Carum Bullbochas Ranum Koch

English Name    Black Caraway

Tamil Name   : கருஞ்சீரகம் / Karunjeeragam

Hindi Name    कलौंजी, कलोंजी / Kalaunji, Kalonji

Malayalam Name :  പെരിഞ്ജീരകം / Karinjirakam

Telugu Name    నల్ల జీలకర్ర, / Seemsopu Ginjalu

About Karunjeeragam (Black Caraway):-

Black caraway, also known as nigella or kalonji, is a plant that blooms annually in Asia. The fruit of the black caraway plant is a large capsule with many seeds used as a spice, sometimes as a substitute for black cumin.

Internal Benefits of Karunjeeragam (Black Caraway):-

  • It is a great way to lose weight. You can use it as a weight loss diet plan without going to the gym.
  • It can help with type 2 diabetes. Two grams of black seeds daily could reduce fasting blood glucose levels, decrease insulin resistance and increase beta-cell function.
  • Karunjeeragam is effective in reducing seizures among children who have resisted conventional treatments. Anti-convulsive qualities are present in the black seed.
  • Black Caraway Extract: A black seed extract has heart-protective properties, reducing the damage caused by heart attacks and improving overall heart health.
  • The seeds effectively treat sinus problems.
  • Home remedies for joint pain: They can be used to relieve arthritis, knee pains and joint pains.
  • It is a great remedy for neck pain and other cervical pain.
  • Karunjeeraga is a great way to eliminate sexual weakness.
  • It treats and cures various gynaecological conditions, including Menstrual problems, Leucorrhoea (white discharge), back pain, stomach discomfort, etc.

External Benefits of Karunjeeragam (Black Caraway):-

Utilize black caraway for hair loss prevention: Black caraway is a potent remedy for addressing and averting hair issues. Enhance beauty and skincare with caraway seeds: This natural solution offers a simple way to brighten your complexion and enhance the radiance of your skin.

How to Consume Karunjeeragam (Black Caraway) Internally:-

  1. Morning - Boil the contents briefly after mixing 5 gms powder with 100 ml of water. Filter the contents and drink them before eating. After dinner, repeat the process for the Evening Dosage.
  2. Diet tips for weight loss: A mixture of Black Caraway Extract (1/2 tsp), Honey (2 tsp), and lukewarm water twice daily in the morning and at bedtime effectively manages obesity.
  3. Honey (1 tsp), black caraway (1/2 tsp), and black pepper are taken twice daily, morning and evening.

How to Apply Karunjeeragam (Black Caraway) Externally:-

  • For hair loss prevention, make a paste with black caraway oil (20 grams), Mehandi (60 grams) and vinegar (20 grams). Rub the paste on your scalp for an hour, then rinse it with water. This product is good for treating hair loss and baldness. Use it once per week.
  • To prevent hair loss, apply the paste of Karunjeeragam to the scalp. It is also suggested that you rub lime juice onto the scalp for 20 minutes. After drying your head, wash it with a herbal shampoo. Then use caraway oil. Within a week, you will see positive results. The treatment should continue for a week.
  • Massage with caraway seed oils strengthens hair roots and helps prevent premature greying.
  • Skincare: Mix 50ml of olive oil and 50ml of caraway seed oil. This mixture can be taken in the morning, before breakfast.
  • Apply this Oil to the affected area and wash it in the morning. Continue using it for at least 30 days.
  • Its Oil is used for tooth problems like premature tooth loss and weakness.
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