Mudavattukal Kizhangu / Oak Leaf Basket Fern Root

Rs.200.00 - Rs.375.00
Product Code: Mud/PG/PH/500
Packing : Standard Pouch Packing

Quick Review:
Mudavattukal Kizhangu is a natural pain-reliever that reduces arthritis pain, builds bone strength and lowers blood sugar.

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Mudavattukal Kizhangu / Oak Leaf Basket Fern Root
Product Details

Product Description:

Botanical Name       : Drynaria quercifolia

English Name           : Oak Leaf Basket Fern , Oak-leaf Fern

Common Name       : Aglaomorpha quercifolia / Veg Goat Leg

Tamil Name             : Mudavattukal Kizhangu / முடவாட்டுக்கால் கிழங்கு

Hindi Name              : ঢেকীয়া লতা

Malayalam Name    : കിരീടപ്പന്നൽ

About Mudavattukal Kizhangu (Oak Leaf Basket Fern Root):-

The Aglaomorpha species known as Mudavattukal Kilangu, often called oakleaf fern or oakleaf basket fern, belongs to the Polypodiaceae family. Leaves Scales are soft, ginger-coloured to dark brown, tapering gradually from the base to the narrow, acute tip and measuring 2 to 25 mm long. The borders are whiter and have tiny teeth that resemble hairs. Polysaccharides and flavonoids: The medicinal ingredients in this plant are regarded to have advantageous anti-inflammatory qualities.

Internal Benefits of Mudavattukal Kizhangu (Oak Leaf Basket Fern Root):-

  • Reduces arthritic pain
  • Bind joint tissues
  • Builds bone strength
  • Brings down blood sugar levels
  • Natural pain reliever
  • Decreases bacterial swelling
  • Alleviates pharyngitis and decreases oxidative stress
  • Enhances Energy and Improves sperm motility

How to consume Mudavattukal Kizhangu (Oak Leaf Basket Fern Root)Internally:-

The Mudavattukal Kizhangu: The skin should be peeled off, and the inside of the kizhangu should be chopped into small pieces and made into a powder. Add salt, pepper, Jadi Pattri, Omam, turmeric, and ginger to the boiling substance.

Procurement & Agriculture Method:-

   90% of Our Herbs are Wild crops and 100% organic by nature; the remaining 10% are organically grown, dried, and pulverized with no chemicals or preservatives.

Disclaimer:-   The Consumption details and benefits listed on our website are taken from ancient Tamil books and Siddha records and have been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor before use.

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