Nellikkai Powder/ Amla Powder
Podhigai Herbs and Organic
Nellikkai Powder/ Amla Powder

Nellikkai Powder/ Amla Powder

Weight: 50gm
Product Code: Nel/Pow/HH/50G
Packing  : Standard Pouch Packing

Quick Review:

Nellikkai Powder / Amla Powder has numerous internal benefits, including relieving asthma, burning fat, treating gastric disorders, and improving eyesight. It can also act as a cooling agent, enhance oral health, and soothe inflammation. In addition, it has the potential to prevent cancer, treat infections, and act as a powerful antioxidant. These benefits make Nelli an excellent choice for improving overall health.

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Product Details

Ayurvedic Beauty: How Amla Powder Can Transform Your Skin

Internal Benefits of Nellikkai powder / Amla Powder:

Internal benefits that Nelli (Indian Gooseberry) provides. Some of these benefits include relieving asthma and bronchitis, burning fat, relieving constipation and piles, treating gastric disorders, and being a blood purifier. Nelli can also improve eyesight, benefit the heart, control diabetes, act as a cooling agent, soothe inflammation, and enhance oral health. In addition, it can be used to treat insomnia, prevent cancer, improve bone health, soothe menstrual cramps, treat infections, and act as a powerful antioxidant.

External Benefits of Nellikkai (Indian Gooseberry):-

Natural ingredients in skin and hair products have many benefits.

Skin Benefits:

- Lightens complexion

- Has anti-aging properties

- Treats pigmentation

- Tones and tightens skin

- Treats acne and pimple scars

- Exfoliates and cleanses skin

Hair Benefits:

- Strengthens hair

- Prevents premature graying

- Treats dandruff

- Improves pigmentation

- Conditions hair

- Cleanses scalp

- Prevents hair problems

By using natural products, you can enjoy multiple benefits for your skin and hair health.

How to Consume Amla Powder Internally:-

Morning - Boil 100 ml of water with 5 gms powder. Once the water is warm, filter it and drink the contents before eating. After dinner, repeat the process for Evening Dosage.

 How to Apply Nellikkai Powder Externally:-

Amla paste can be applied to the affected area for 10 to 15 minute and will reduce pimples. It is a natural blood cleanser that fights microorganisms on the skin. This helps to prevent skin infections, acne, and pimples.

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