Nilapanagkilangu/ Black Musli Dried

Product Description:
Nilappanai Kilangu, scientifically known as Curculigo orchioides, is a botanical specimen from the Hypoxidaceae family. Its natural habitat includes temperate areas like India's Chota-Nagapur and Deccan plateau. This herb possesses a unique flavour profile, characterized by a bittersweet taste followed by a lingering sweetness that persists post-consumption.
Botanical Name: Curculigo orchioides gain
English Name: Black musli
Tamil Name : நிலப்பனைக் கிழங்கு / Nilapanai Kilangu
Hindi Name : Kali Mooslie, Kali Musli, Syahmusali, Muslikand
Malayalam Name : Nilappenea, Nilappanai, Nelpana, Nilapanai Kilangu
Telugu Name : Nelamuli
About Nilapanai Kilangu (Black Musli Dried):-
The herb known as Black Musli, scientifically named Curculigo orchioides, is a member of the Hypoxidaceae family. Originating in temperate areas like the Chota-Nagapur and Deccan plateau in India, Black Musli has a distinctive bittersweet flavour with a lingering sweetness that persists post-consumption. This tuber is difficult to digest and possesses adhesive properties. It is also recognized for its immune-boosting capabilities under the name Nilappanai kilangu.
Internal Benefits of Nilapanai Kilangu (Black Musli Dried):-
- Restorative tonic to cure weakness, sexual debility
- Aphrodisiac, Premature ejaculation, better performance, impotence
- Low sperm count, impotence, general body weakness, loss of stamina and vigour
- To gain weight.
- For itches and skin diseases.
- The poultice of the root is used.
- It cures Piles.
- Application of root paste on the pile relieves pain and burning sensation.
- Cough, cold and asthma
- Urinary problems: Black Musli acts as a diuretic and boosts the resistance of the urinary system against infections.
External Benefits of Nilapanai Kilangu (Black Musli Dried):-
Hyperpigmentation, Bleeding, wounds, acne, pimples, Skin Allergy, Swelling of glands