Pirandai, or Veldt Grape, has numerous healing properties. It can treat digestive problems, sprains, swollen joints, stomach disorders in children, bleeding piles, high blood pressure, heart disease, fat increase, gynecological issues, menstrual issues, ear pain, and worming.
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The Healing Powers of Pirandai Powder Revealed!
Benefits of Pirandai, or Veldt Grape:-
Pirandai Treats Gastritis & Indigestion: Pirandai treats digestive problems such as gastritis and indigestion.
Sprains: Pirandai is excellent for sprains, and it can also be used to treat swollen or swollen-looking joints (sulukku). Many people in our village also use this home remedy for minor injuries. It heals minor fractures and sprains quickly.
Children who regularly consume Pirandai will not suffer from stomach disorders.
For bleeding piles, this treatment must be performed continuously for 7-10 days.
It is used to treat high blood pressure, heart disease, fat increase, and gynecological issues.
This is also a great home remedy for menstrual issues, ear pain, and worming.
How to consume Pirandai (Veldt Grape):
Morning - Boil 100 ml of water with 5 gms powder. Once the water is warm, filter it and drink the contents before eating. After dinner, repeat the process for the Evening Dosage.