Shikakai / Soap Pod Dried (RAW)250G
Podhigai Herbs and Organic
Shikakai / Soap Pod Dried (RAW)250G

Shikakai / Soap Pod Dried (RAW)250G

Weight: 250gm
Product Code:Shi/Raw/PH/250
Packing  : Standard Pouch Packing

Quick Review:
Looking for a herbal remedy for hair fall? Shikakai Soap Pod Dried offers a chemical-free solution with added shine and fragrance for your hair.

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Product Details

Product Description: 

Botanical Name : Acacia Concinna

Family : Mimosaceae

Sanskrit : Carmasava, Charmakansa, Charmakasa, Phenila, Saptala

English Name : Soappod, Soap-nut acacia

Tamil Name : சீயக்காய் / Siyakai / Shikaka

Hindi Name : Hikakai / Kochi, Righa, Ritha 

Malayalam Name : കമലാന്താ, കാർമലന്തല, ചികക / Carmalantala, Chikaka, Chinikka,

Telugu Name : చికాయ (చీకాయ), గోగు, శిరికాయ, సీకాయ / Chikaya, Gogu, Shiikaya

About Shikakai:

Shikakai, an ancient herbal plant renowned for its medicinal properties, has long been used in hair care. Indigenous to the lush tropical forests of India, Shikakai is a prickly shrub whose fruits serve as a natural hair cleanser. The dark brown pods of this plant shrink and contain six to ten seeds each when dried. Its leaves, bark, and fruits have historically been employed for medicinal purposes. After sun-drying, the pods, fruits, bark, and leaves are ground into a fine powder, which is then applied into a paste. This traditional shampoo is highly regarded for its cleansing abilities without compromising hair health due to its naturally low pH levels. Serving as both a detangler and cleanser, Shikakai eliminates the need for additional conditioning products. Furthermore, infusions made from the leaves have been incorporated into anti-dandruff formulations.

Health Benefits

  • Shikakai adds shine to your hair and a pleasant aroma.
  • The Ayurvedic treatment and hair loss strengthens hair roots is significantly reduced.
  • Applying Shikakai paste or powder to your hair once a month can drastically reduce and eliminate dandruff within months.
  • Your dry hair will be rich and shiny if you use Shikakai Powder.
  • A shikakai hair pack is an excellent way to relieve headaches in the summer.
  • Shikakai is also an effective remedy for hair problems.
  • This product is beneficial for many skin conditions. It can be used for psoriasis and itching.
  • Shikakai is used to treat hyperpigmentation and pain.

Procurement & Agriculture Method:

We have 90 wild and organic herbs. The other 10 herbs are grown organically, dried, and ground without chemicals or preservatives.

Our website's consumption details and benefits come from ancient Tamil books and Siddha records. Our Siddha Doctors Team has adjusted them. Please consult your doctor before using.

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