Veppam Poo/ Neem Flower Dried

Rs.120.00 Rs.150.00
Weight: 100gm
Product Code: Vep/DLF/PH/100
Packing : Standard Pouch Packing
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Veppam Poo/ Neem Flower Dried
Product Details

Product Description: 

Botanical Name : Azadirachta Indica

English Name : Neem Flower

Tamil Name : வேப்பம்பூ / Veppam poo

Hindi Name : नीम फूल / Ariyaveppu

Malayalam Name : ആര്യവേപ്പ് പട്ട / Neem phool

Telugu Name : వెపా పువ్వు / Vepa Puspam

Benefits of Veppam Poo 

The flowers are white, generally 5 mm long, have a sweet fragrance, and produce nectar. Fresh neem flowers can be eaten raw to prevent illness.

 Neem flowers are a great stimulant, anti-helmet, antibiotic and blood purifier. Traditionally, they are used to treat atonic dyspepsia and jaundice and relieve anorexia and nausea.

 The presence of carminative compounds in neem flowers aids in indigestion increases appetite, soothes an upset stomach, and neutralizes gastric acids.

Aids in weight-loss

The Neem flowers are the best factor for reducing the weight loss, it can flush out all toxic elements in the body.

When taken with lemon and honey, neem flower tea helps improve body metabolism and aids weight loss by breaking down fat.

⇒ Has Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants protect the body from damaging free radicals. Also, it delays the ageing process and prevents viral, bacterial and fungal infections. It is very useful in curing infections or respiratory illnesses.

⇒ Acts as a Deworming Agent

Neem flower is a deworming agent that helps eliminate intestinal parasites and clear away unwanted toxins from the alimentary canal.

⇒ Avoid Skin Infections

Anti-microbial properties are rich in Neem flowers, which help to heal and cleanse skin infections and infected wounds.

Neem flowers can be mixed with other herbs and spices and applied topically as a paste to treat acne, rashes, skin dryness, and eczema. They are also effective against dandruff.

  • Improves eyesight
  • Used to treat wounds
  • Used for skin-related problems & prevents Blackheads
  • Blood Sugar Balancing
  • Treats Allergies
  • Weight Loss
  • Reduces Skin Dryness
  • Aromatherapy
  • Astringents and for massaging
  • Liver Health
  • Blood Detoxification
  • Improves Metabolism

How to consume Veppam poo(Neem Flower)Internally

Just take a few amounts of Veppam poo powder and mix in 100 ml water; boil the content for a few minutes.

When the water gets warm, filter the content and drink it before food. Repeat the same for the Evening Dosage after dinner.

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